with your pilot id or email, or register

Flight MTA5PM

Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(269 load / $ 500.00 per unit
$ 134, 500.00
Fuel Cost:
(19512 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 99, 511.20

Additional Log Information:

Flight Details
# Name Type
1 PilotID MTA0003
2 PilotName Tibor Berces
3 AircraftTitle Level D Simulations B767-300ER
4 AircraftType BOEING B763
5 AircraftTailNumber HA-LHC
6 AircraftAirline MATRA
7 FlightNumber MTA5PM
8 FlightLevel FL360
9 FlightType IFR
10 Passenger 269
11 Cargo 22000
12 ZFW 245126
13 OriginICAO LHBP - Ferihegy
14 OriginGate Gate 15
15 OriginRunway 13R
16 OriginTransitionAltitude
17 DestinationICAO ELLX - Luxembourg
18 DestinationGate Parking 6
19 DestinationRunway 24
20 DestinationTransitionAltitude
21 AlternateICAO
22 SID
24 FlightDistance 589
25 RouteDistance 534
26 OUTTime 13.01.2012 11:47
27 OFFTime 13.01.2012 11:51
28 ONTime 13.01.2012 13:27
29 INTime 13.01.2012 13:31
30 DayFlightTime 01:36
31 NightFlightTime 00:00
32 BlockTime 01:44
33 FlightTime 01:36
34 BlockFuel 19512
35 FlightFuel 17769
36 TOIAS 148
37 LAIAS 94
38 ONVS -310,67
39 FlightScore 20,00%

Flight Plan Details
# Name Type Time Fuel (lbs) IAS (kts) Altitude (ft) Heading Wind OAT

Flight Critique
Fuel Very Low -30,0%
Standard altimeter not set after reaching the transition altitude -10,0%
Turbulence longer than 30 minutes -15,0%
Excessive speed below FL100 during approach -10,0%
Excessive yaw during rollout -7,5%
Excessive N1 setting -7,5%
Total Score for this flight 20,0%
Landing rating Moderate

Flight Images
Route Map
Route Weather
Taxi Out Path
Taxi In Path
Vertical Profile
Landing Profile

Route Map